
For product management

How nice it would be if you had an overview of all relevant documents, regardless of whether they are instructions, leaflets or brochures, right around the clock. You can adapt them or generate new content in no time at all. Changes to labels and standards can be made with just a few clicks, and existing content can be adapted or fresh content created in an instant. And you know what? It’s not just a dream – with us as your partner, it becomes a reality.

The benefits to you

Thanks to a clever digital solution, you can alert all relevant employees to important points online in a matter of seconds. If there are changes to processes, no problem – they will be published in seconds, always up to date and accessible at any time. And another incidental, but significant factor: Paper clutter = cost, effort and environmental impact. The digital equation looks like this: Online = sustainability, reduced costs and time savings.


An example

An appliance manufacturer has a large number of products in its portfolio. The models are constantly being updated, new devices are being developed or taken off the market because of their age. In this situation, it is essential to maintain an overview and be up to date with the entire product range.

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Do you want to go digital?
If you are constantly publishing monolingual or multilingual content, we have the solution. TQ-Web is simple, efficient, secure and affordable. 
Get to know TQ-Web